At this moment, our lab is full for research assistants for the Spring 2025 semester (i.e., Winter Term 2).
I am grateful to receive a lot of interest in our research assistant openings; around 100 people express interest per year. Our lab has developed a procedure, informed by equity, diversity, and inclusion considerations, to let interested people know when there are position openings in the lab. I hope that being transparent about this process, and applying the same procedure to every applicant, will be in the service of our lab’s equity, diversity, and inclusion lab goals.
Complete the form at this link to sign up to receive emails when there are position openings in the lab. Whenever we have an opening for a research assistant, we will email everyone who has expressed interest through this form and send them a description of the opening we have, and a link to an official application. You will remain on our email list for one year from the time that you complete the form. If you want to remain on this email list after a year is passed, you will need to submit a new form. An option to download and save a PDF copy of your response summary will appear after you submit the form. You can save this for your records so that you know when exactly you got on our mailing list.
I also save 1-2 research assistant slots every year for people who apply through the PSYC240 program. If you are interested in this route, you should apply as soon as the portal opens in the summer. The research assistants who are selected have usually applied on the first day that the portal opens, as I tend to give preference to the people who have applied earlier. Once this lab receives 25 applications via the portal, I stop accepting applications. This typically happens in about 1 week of the portal opening. Note that it is also possible to enroll in PSYC240 if you are a research assistant in this lab, even if you did not get selected via the PSYC240 portal process.
Based on experience, the only way get a RA position is likely to either be through the mailing list or through PSYC 240. When we recently used our mailing list to let people know we had a RA position open, around 50 people applied. When a position is open and we release an official application to the people on our email list, we will provide specific details about what it involves, and you will be able to decide whether or not it seems to be a good fit for your interests. However, in general, in this lab, research assistants work for up to 10 hours per week, and work in lab for a minimum of two semesters (e.g., Winter Term 1 and Term 2). In some cases it may be acceptable to work Summer plus one Winter term; this is something that can be discussed. On the official application, we will also ask you for your CV, transcript (unofficial is fine), and names and contact information of three references.

I am entirely full for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Unfortunately, we have only a few paid positions each year. This includes students who are supported via Work-Learn, AURA, Quinn awards, or the Psychology Inclusive Excellence Fund Awards. The paid positions are usually part time and require the person to be registered as a student for at least one course at UBC. The paid positions are given to students who have been a volunteer research assistant in this lab for at least 1 year first. This seems unlikely to change in the future, because of the large demand for the paid positions.
If you are a current volunteer research assistant, please ask if you are interested in a paid position. I am working on a fairer procedure to solicit applications and review them in a way that is informed by equity, diversity, and inclusion principles, and this is a goal of mine in the upcoming academic year.
I have already accepted an honours student for the 2025-26 academic year.
I accept one honours student every year. If you are interested in doing honours in this lab, you should email Dr. Mikami on or after Feb 1 of the previous academic year. (For example, if you want to do honours in the 2026-2027 academic year, you should email on or after Feb 1, 2026). Typically, multiple people apply on Feb 1 and the honours student who is accepted is one of those applicants. In practice, this means that the slot ends up going to someone doing 4th year honours because the 3rd year honours students do not yet know they are in the program. Therefore, if you are in 3rd year honours, please keep our lab in mind for your 4th year.
Regarding directed studies students, I give these positions to students who have been volunteering in my lab for at least 1 year previously, because I get so many inquiries. The same goes for any student who is interested in doing an independent research project in lab, including through a course. However, I try hard to give everyone who has successfully fulfilled their job duties as a a volunteer research assistant for a year the opportunity to do a directed studies project in the following year if they want to. That is, I believe that current volunteers should not need to compete with other volunteers for directed studies slots in the year after. If you’re volunteering currently and fulfilling your job duties, then there will be a directed studies slot saved for you in the following year if you want it; please ask about this.